
Thursday, September 30, 2010

I am the e-queen

 Actually pagi ni tadi gua ade gerak gi KT, gua g Ter ade horse riding lesson.., perhhh.!! da lame siott x naik kuda.., ase body ni da x fit da.., n bapak la wei..! gua rindu kot nak trot sume tu.., tapi jumping blum lagi la..
sterlah beberapa bulan tgalkan stable tu, pagi tadi lepas gian gak la even xdapat riding lame pun.., dapat plak this time i was riding Perth, selalunye my instructor, Mimi would give me Happy Leader as my training horse.., tapi tatau y tadi Mimi bagi Perth plak.., tapi ok je just mule2 nk kasi kamceng mmg la susah tapi da kick da tap die sikit maun jugak die trot.. sgt penat arini.., balik je dari horse riding prgi office sky net kat Dungun sbb semalam mama da post kan parcel tu.., sky net cepat kott..!! arini smpai da.., btw, thankx mummy..!! so I can wear my 'new' pair of jeans tonight :))
tq Sky Net sbb cepat anta parcel I ni :)

pix yg second tu kn ade fork tu kn.., ti la nsib baik masa mama duk still wrapping parcel tu, gua smpat call n mintak mama bungkus kan sekali fork tu.., garpu gua ntah mane ilang ntah.., ade la ni yg buat sikat rmbut agaknye..!!

da tu tgh sedap2 cek poket sume kan.., tjmpe la duit 5 inggit n singgit ni kat dalam poket salah satu jeans yg mama post ni.., ni kes kua g makan then change sumbat poket trus.., pakai barang3 4 kali trus cmpak laundry  beg, x nyempat2 nk cek poket tu kot2 ade 50 inggit ke.., xpasla masuk dlm washing machine then kot tkoyak ke.., da putih mate..

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

ohh..!! saya suka makan..!!

yes.! I love to eat..! I love eating..! I really do.., so to guys out there.., please make kitchen a very good friend of yours if u want to be with me hheheheh.., sem ni je da 4 kali prgi SOD..., kawan pun da cop muke gua ni muke sod.., laaa.., da tu  k buat cmne da gua suke makan.., tike selera ada ni la kite use it wisely.., kang da tue da xlarat nk makan jam2 tu la nk mintak macam2..., cheese cake la.., spaghetti la, lamb chop la.., padahal makan seciput jek.., so now selera tgh kuat.., perut pun boley trime macam2.., so pa lagi gua bedal ape yg ade depan mata.., well.., rezeki jgn ditolak musuh jangan dicari ye dak..????! btw, thankx to Jihan sbb introduced kan SOD ni :)))

mase part 2 dulu ade sekali je g SOD.., kat bayu grill.., tapi mse nk tgu masuk tu, ade gak main kat playground kat hotel uitm tu.., tapi masa lunch tu tadak snap photo sebab masing2 kebuloq..! ohh ya Btw, I went there with Jihan, Munirah, Aimi, Liza, Nazrin, Que

tapi 1st SOD sem ni ade g aritu dgn budak2 ni.., kat bayu grill gak.., what I love most about sod is roti die sgt la sedap..!! then makan dgn butter anchor plak tu.., heaven bai..!! then main course of course la ayammmm..!
this SOD I went with Jihan, Que, Mun, Puts, Aimi.

ayam yang boley wat kecur air liur.!!


2nd SOD kami  p time dinner.. SOD kat mork.., g dgn Emi, Angah, Kimi, Akak..
tapi sod yg ni x best.., food sume out..!!
num table kitorang

emi n angah buat giler.

then my 3rd SOD was a dinner with Jihan, Que Puts, yg ni pun oke la.., lagipun, siang tu gua pose 6, so time berbuke tu just makan kuih raya yg dorang dok bagi tu.., then malam tu baru lantak puas2 :)) bun n anchor butter mmg wajib ade oke..!!

Jihan tgh gayut dgn Yen di Dublin, Ireland

n my 4th SOD was on 22nd Sept n it was a Chinese cuisine.., ni prgi pun sbb nk support Waie punye SOD n also at the same time dapat gak la can nk buli die ke ape ke kn.., hahaha.., chayokk waie..! This time was only with Zati. lepas tu da kami dapat same table dgn kawan2 waie which was all boys.., hahah bygkan makan dgn budak boys mmg kami kne catu makanan dgn dorg.., hehe tapi xpe we still had fun.. yang paling xley blah was that we had to eat using chopstick..!! sgt xley blah...! bygkan la kne makan gune chopstick..?? seb bek membe2 sume tak jadi join if x meje kitorg jek yg kecoh nnti x memasal buat malu budak account jek..! n yes my fav meal during this SOD was the ikan yg Din Shukor masak tu which was really great :)))!

Waie as the server of the day :)

Zati n I control nk amek gune chopstik..!

the boys(dorg ni pun HM gak so nnti if sod calling2 la ye)

my 5th SOD was on29th sept. it was a dinner and I went with angah, jannah, emi, ain, kak iqa n fatin.
tapi sod ni mmg gua lantak kao2 punya.., lapar gler kot..!! ade gak la gua sapu faitn n kak iqa punye appetizer barang sesuap empat.., dah korang tak nak kan.., dari membazir bak sini perut gua ade space lagi.., pastu bun n butter anchor yg mmg menjadi kewajipan untuk gua sentap barang sebuah 2 menjadi 3 kerana terlalu la lapar.., budak2 ni bntai gelak kan gua paceroh mintak bun n butter from mamat tu..haha sedap der bun tu soft gler.., dapat plak sapu dgn butter anchor, mmg tbaek dari ladang susu.., 
bse la da ramai2 cmtu confirm kecoh gler.., pening waiter part2 tu nk entertain kitorang yg table manner agak lari la.., haha alah bse la budak account if u suruh kira brape byk lu buat SOD tu boley la mmg kitorang star beb..! da tu mase makan ni smpat2 gak la tambah2 dose sikit.., dapat plak ari tu pagi nye kitorg ade quiz costing.., perrhhh.!! lagi la sedap ngumpat mane2 yg ptut.. on now I know who U REALLY ARE...! tolong lah jgn bajet sgt ye...
we also talked about the rumors that starting from sem4, students are required to stay out the cmpus.., sonang cito eh kono duk sendiri la.., carik la mane2 umah sewa duk la ramai2.. gua da plan da housemate gua nnti x lain xbukan mereka ber-6 ni nisa. Ohh btw nisa x join SOD malam tu sbb die ade masalah rumah tangga :p.. laki die krje mlm tadak sape nk jage anak kot ;)  so nnti if la kne duk luar sprti yg di war2 kan tu.., gua da ade 7 hsmate.., mybe cmpur dgn dila n ruby sekali budak rumah gua nnti ade 10., senang dapat house mates yg cm ni.., sume nye independent.., g kelas pun senang masing2 ade motor sendiri xpun tau gak la bwak moto n kerete.., ni kang da la menumpang motor orang.., nak mintak bwak plak x reti.., da tu ape function ko ntah la gua pun tatau.., hidup menumpang+menyusahkan org ni mmg btl2 gua xley trime la sbg kawan... ahhaha yes SOD malam tu best n pictures of us also were taken bu the supervisor :).., (tapi those pix ade kat die la...) ni plak yg kami snap sendiri... bon appeti..!!
the appetizer

main course

n my 6th SOD for this sem was on 12th Oct at Mock rest with Jihan :))
ok sgt da lame sebenarnye x makan dgn Jihan ni.., ye la masing da ade life sendiri.., jmpe pun dalam kelas jek..,nak makan same mmg da xda da.., so bler g SOD malam tdi dgn Jihan sgt la best.., even just two of us ( now da xda ramai2 lagi da ) we still had fun.., makan smpai kenyang n d ridiculous part was we asked for 4 soft roll hahah.!! ala bun yang makan dgn butter anchor tu..!! walahaaaa.! :) nnti la bler da dapat pix from Jihan nnti I upload oke :))

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

kuih raya ohh kuih raya..

da name pun raya kan.., so msti la ade kuih raya.. its like the wajib thing klu xda kuih raya hahah sgt2 la kelakar rumah anda :))

nk di jadikan cerita.., aritu sebelum balik dungun, aku ade singgah umah Mak Ngah after aku balik kg sat jmpe wan(nenek). ye la nk jalan jauh ni..,kne la jmpe sedare mare sepupu sepapat.., ingat pilah-dungun dekat ke..? bgn tdo bgn tdo da bgn pun balik pun xsmpai2 lagi tau.., xtau la ape yg aku wat kat sekolah dulu smpai MOHE anta belajar jauh2 cenggini.. da alang2 nk anta jauh2 tu anta la ke New Zealand ke, London ke, France ke..haha result SPM pun cukup2 mkn je berangan nk g oversea knun.., over river cukup..! itu pun untung UiTM nk gak time masuk balajr klu x duk umah belajar masak n tgu org meminang je la itu pun klu ade.., hei of kos la ade oke..!!!
 mase aku smpai kat umah Pak Ngah n m.ngah, anak dorg merangkap sepupu aku baru jek mandi.., name die Anis Farhaini.., umoq baru 3 tahun kot.., ni ha gmba eh ha...

ni mase kat umah wan.

anis baru je lepas mandi time tu sbb at 11 die ade ballet class. So mase m. ngah tgh duk siap2 kemas umah buat bfast sume aku sbg kakak sepupu yg penyayang + bakal menjadi ibu jugak satu hari nnti (^_^), tlg la m.ngan tgk2 kn anis n siap2 kn anis. After that pak ngah, mak ngah n I had a breakfast at the kitchen. Mase tu ari sabtu, so Farish was off to school, Abg Fahmi plak da balik camp sbb die da start keje, Faez plak dok tdo lagi time tu even jam di dinding umah sudah pun menunjukkan angka 10.30.. Mase aku duk borak2 dgn pak ngah, mak ngah tgh masukkan kuih raya dlm tupperware. Ingat kn anis nk bawak bekal g ballet class tapi upe2 nye kuih raya tu was for me :)))) heheheh thankx mak ngah...!

raya 2009

ini la kuih yg mak ngah bekalkan tapi byk nye da ade dlm perut :p

lepas tu malam nk tu mase nk btolak balik Dungun, mse kat umah pun mama da pack kan kuih2 raya sume.., mule2 xnk bawak tapi mama ckp nnti kng klu kwn2 yg lain bwk xkn nak makan free je..., so aku pun bwak la kuih raya versi mama plak...

lepas tu smpai je kat Dungun.., dok sedap2 layan feeling kat dalam bilik Jihan plak megetuk pintu and guess what..?? heeeeeee.., yes.! another kuih raya :)) tnye gak kat Jihan.., die ckp parents die bekal kan suh bagi kat aku... walahaaaaaaaa..!! thankx Uncle n Aunt :)

n lastly.., tadi mse duk tgh rehat2 dalam bilik.., Jihan dtg bgtau that Puts suh turun kat bilik die.., I thought I was gonna be the Dr. Love again.., but no.., Puts nk bagi kuih raya..!! hahah die pack this specially for me :) thankx dear Puts :))

that means my supper will be makaning kuih raya :)

Monday, September 20, 2010

when the boys were in town

Raya finally comes to end..
tapi x la end mane pun since Syawal is selama sebulan yo..! My friends came to my place too, celebrating raya together.. last Tuesday, I was at Azwa's place for her open house. We may call it a reunion since some old friends were there too. But then I had to come home early since Akim, Joe, Amy and Adib from Seremban were heading down to Kuala Pilah n were about to berhari raya at my place after they went to Aten's. Mummy picked me up around 10 n when I reached home I texted Fendi  to ask him to come by n give me the movies..! Yes finally I got to watch The Expendables..! Thankx buddy :))

Then around 1am the boys arrived at my place.. Walahaaa sgt lame korang lepak kat umah Aten kn..?? Well I havent met the boys since last raya, there were plenty of things we talked about. Now i dun have to worry about who is going to be my caterer since Joe is in the business..!! Hell he is a good cook ok..! When he talked about kitchen, Akim n I were just staring at him astonishingly..! i am proud to call u my fren Joe :))) 
here are some photos when the boys were in town celebrating raya with me.

adib, amy, joe, akim

adib bajet raya kat London ;p

I went to bed really late after the boys left. But then I still had to wake up early in the morning at took the damn cold shower n off to send my mum to her work. Then I drove back to kg to meet my grandma since I was going back to Dungun at night. Before I headed home I dropped by at Pa Ngah's place to meet them up. When I was there at 10am Faez was still asleep.. mane x nye, grandma said he was out the last night with his friends n came home late n watched midnight movie.. typical boys :))

Thursday, September 16, 2010

flying with wings

Last Tuesday I was at KLIA, sending JIHAN's big bro, YEN. He was going to further his studies in Dublin. Ireland. And I was planning to meet TULUS since her flight to Beijing was that night too at 12.20am. Unfortunately, we cant make it since she arrived around 9 but I had to leave the airport at 8pm.
Firstly, I drove to Seremban then I took KTM to Nilai then I rode a bus to the airport. For me, it was a lot better to take public transport since I didn't remember the route to KLIA. +, if u know me very well then u know that I HATE DRIVING
I reached the airport around 5pm because I was beraya-ning at friends' houses in Seremban before that. There I met Jihan, AINA, n Yen's BFFs too. Then I texted DANIAL telling him I was at KLIA. I insisted to meet him since we haven't seen each other for about two months. He said he will pick me up a bit late since he was FAIZ's open house at Enstek so he fetched me around 8. He had futsal on midnight so he had to send me to Seremban a bit early.
At the gate of international departures there was many people that same with Yen, all were about to fly. That made me n Jihan dreamt about flying too! wahahaha n its about 3 years to come itu pun if we study like damn hard n get ourselves a scholarship..! We can do it JIhan.! N yeah AFIQ SANJI, our senior last semester was there too to give support to Jihan n family. 
When it was about 8, Danial called n said he's here to pick me up. After a quick hugs n kisses n salams with Jihan n family I ran to get to Danial. I hate making people waiting for me. And this was like the greatest part ever! I was wearing high heels, stupid heels..! It was 2 1/2 inch ok damn.! I can't run with heel that high. So i took off my shoes n ran with just wearing skin socks. Everybody was looking n like hell I cared I kept running to gate no 3 to get to Danial. He drove me to Seremban n we talked like hell. No lah actually I was doing the talking hehehe. He sent me to my car ok I know how gentleman he was :p Thankx baby :)

On my way home, I was thinking of getting a bite at McD Senawang. Around 10pm I reached McD drive thru n hell there were many cars too.! I was hungry to death but if I proceeded with my plan then I'll get home like really late, Mummy Danny would be worried. So I aboard my mission impossible n drove straight away home :)
And the traffic was suck too man..! All the mamat motors were on the road I guess they were beraya-ning at their friends coz there were about 8-10 bikes that were on convoy. 
I reached home at  10.45pm. I texted Danial telling him I arrived home safely then I took a quick shower then chatted with my mum since she was in my room onlining and facebooking. I went to bed damn early which was around 12 :)

bed time story

This story was told on the night of 1st raya.. My family n I was still back at kg celebrating raya. It all began 'cause there was an electricity trip at my grandmother's house. It was not just my grandma's but all the houses in the village. So we just had the pelita as our source of lights on that night. We were all sitting down at the hall n I dun remember how it actually started but all I remember was my aunts n my mum started to talk about how their life before. Their school n how they spent their leisure time that was not that leisure actually. My mum n her siblings were grown up in Singapore. That time my grandpa worked for Singapore police department. But when my mum was around 10, they came back to kg as my grandpa had retired. When they were back they had to help my grandparents to make living. Living here as like going to the sawah n did all the chores. They were really nice and helpful kids back then not like my cousins n I now :p
The day started at 5am.They would go to the well behind the house to get showered because the bus that they rode to school arrived at 6 am. Can u imagine getting shower at 6 am with water from the well..??? thats like damn man..!! damn bloody hell cold...!! i would be using heater even I take my shower at 10am :)))
Then they went to school. Pak Ngah went to TMS( Tuanku Muhammad School), which was all boy's school that time which also happened to be the school that his son cum my cousin and I attended. My mum n his three older sisters attended all girl's school, next to TMS, TKS(Tunku Kursiah School). That time, whoever attended TKS n taking scince stream was the 'it' girl coz the students there can be consider as the popular n bright girls. Well, now I know how I became 'ME'. It runs in the family ^_^

By the time my mum was in form 6, she attended TMS which only opened for girls that took STPM. N yes again whoever took STPM at TMS was a great studentl since the school was very selective about pupils to enroll there. They had records to be maintained..!
 When they reached home from school, they would take a quick rest like changing the uniforms n had lunch then they would head down to the bendang to do their routine which was helping my grandparents at the bendang. My cousins n I cant never imagine we would be doing those things like get dirty with the mud n sometimes if you were 'lucky', boleh kena pacat or lintah oke..!!! sgat la dangerous..!
they didn't do just that. they also cooked for dinner n laundry n cleaning up the house n soooo many other chores too. They cant depend on my grandma only. How ringan tulang they were in their age not like us now..!

At night they went to mengaji. Then they would study by using only pelita. That time there was no electricity in the village. They just used the generator. Itu pun bukan selalu sometimes je. Study guna pelita sgt la susah ok we cant concentrate but they performed damn hell greatl at shool..!!! And also there were alot of things that they did as normal kids like arguing with sisters, climb the trees, waiting for durian to fall, and also my mum would go to menembak punai with my grandpa. he would shoot the punai n my mum would go n pick it up. That time they did everything that can give money. Beside going to sawah, my grandparents also were rubber tappers. and my grandpa loved to catch fish at the river near our house. Its damn delicious to be having a fresh fish for dinner..!!! damn great man...!

Now everybody has grown up n getting 'old'.. hehe as now its the turn for my cousins to repay what they sacrificed for us. Even back then there was no electricity they still burnt that midnite oil(i mean real midnite oil;p) so their children did not have to go what they went through. Oh n yes..! My grandma was really garang ok..! they were afraid of her.! thank God they did..! n my atok was the cool one :)
As the story came to an end, they electricity was back on then we continued watching TV as one big happy family :)

when we were small
raya 2009

raya 2010

should we call it reunion..?

on one of the day in last Ramadan, I went to bazar to get something for breaking the fast. biasalah tgal due org je dgn mama xkn nk msk buat penat je.., tapi hari ini prgi bazar lambar sikit which was around 6.30..
bazar mane..?? kat pilah perdana tu lah mano lak laie.., klu org pilah mmg x la kn nk prgi tmpat lain da itu yo yg ado dan yg bosa eh...
 to cut the story short, biaselah when raya is just around the corner, the people that live far far away from hometown or should we call them 'orang di perantauan' have come home for Raya.., time ni if prgi bazar mule la:

A: "ehh kau lame xjmpe biler balik? mane skg nih?"
B: 'wei lahai kau apo makin gomok den nengok ni???"
C: "wahh sojak2 duk kek kelumpo tu mmg payah bona nk nengok muko kao kn??"

n macam2 lagi..., nak xnk we have to accpet that yeah people change, physically or mentally hehehe..
macam tadi when I was at bazar, I bumped into some old friends n seniors too.. ok they have changed like really okkk..!!
some mase sek dulu ok teramat lah kurus macam cicak now sgt la sihat...,
klu dulu mse sek perhhh nerd tahap cipan zi seriously now like smokin' hot man..!!
and also if dulu mse sek asek kelahi jek..,
main name bapak la atuk la moyang la abis sume salah silah family dan2 tu je tau..,
xpun if u meet again with yr puppy love sgt lah kelakar ok..!! hahaha tbe2 tringat zaman sek padahal nk story psl kat bazar tadi jek..
if sek men plak ala biaselah.., menyampah kat minah poyo tu la.., xsuke kat mamat bajet macho tu la.., and
biler jmpe senior plak.., ek eleh dulu sek kerek nak mamposs dgn aku mentang2 la sek dulu aku xcntik, pakai tudung pakai baju kurung je xpun mse sukan pakai tshirt long sleeve with track bottom kawad tgh2 padang mmg senior xpndg la kan dorang pndang budak2 yg bajet cute2 jek..,
tapi skg apa crita bro..??? u think aku xnmpak after u passed me u look back at me right..? hahaha cmon la typical guys ;)
sgt2 poyoss ok but yeah I might have crush on u but it was when I was still wearing that blue prefect uniforms or taking commend in our marching band ok..!! now I am sooooooo not that anymore..

with Ramadan that left a few days more...,
that measn we will be waiting for next ramadan to see what happens..
will it be any old friends that will lose some weight or put on some weight or adding new members in the family..
we'll see :)

wasting money n spending great time with the girls..

ohh and yeahhhh..!!! I was in KL on the last 8h sept with friends... Everything was great as always when you are with yr friends right :)

Syue n I took a train from Sban to KL Sentral where Dila was waiting for us.. From there we took monorail to imbi whick leads to wait2...! Do I have to tell u guys 'coz I guess everybody knows where it will end right.., Ok skip the route..

As we reached TS we shopped till we dropped..!!
Oh not much really 'cause there was too many people since school hols have just started. But we managed to get something for ourselves. I got myself a new purse since the last now was really in a bad condition, hello I got it when I was 14 okee.., i also bought two tops which really great on me haaha..!! I will be back after raya I guess to spend the duit raya..!
And the greatest part was we took pics of us with the editing at the photo shop.., u know what I'm trying to say here right..
Sadly, we had to head home before breaking fast..
so lets the pictures do the talkings..!

free breakfast on 4th September :)

on last 4th sept, I was breaking the fast with jiha n nana.. To bad Aten couldn't join us she had a family gathering at her place since everybody was in town. I met them at at the restaurant behind Petronas around 6pm then after we ordered our food we talked like we havent seen each other for 20 years..! As always we talked about our current lives that involve work, studies, boys, family n others too..when azan maghrib was on air, we had our meal while still talking...! with mouth full of food we continued the stories that we can't see the ending of it :) 

We wanted to go home since the clock showed 8.10pm. we went to the counter to pay the bill the we found out that guys who ate at the next table have paid for us..!! wa laaaa haaaaaaaaaaa..!!! all customers at the restaurant were surprised too..! just like we did but if we think about it, ala normal la tu if 3 orang gadis cantik no need to pay for their bills..!!! so there is a bless being beautiful gilrs :)
we were shocked since we just noticed the guys were trying to flirt with us..
We didn't expect them to pay for us., if we would have known they will be paying for us.., we will order like the most expensive food okkkk..!! hahahaha..!! still shocked..!! then the guys were just walk away from the restaurant as we havent got the chance to say thankx...., YET..!

as we walk to the cars we saw their car at the petrol station.., we thought it would be nice if we thanked them.., As we saw the car we approached them n say thankx n it turned to be one of the guys were a long time friend of nana's... 

after hugs n kisses with the girls, i went to nadya's n picked her up to have a sleepover at my place..
there went my yesterday :)

the pinky girl

Some of my friends here are a bit surprised of me liking pink colour. haha why? Is it too funny? Pink has been my favorite color since I was in preschool. Maybe since I knew what PINK  was. In fact, most of my toys n baby stuff were in pink color too ;)
I think most of girls like pink color right? Its like thats the nature. Girls go for pink and most of the boys go for blue or red. 
Here are some stuff of mine that are pink in color. But these are only 10% of them. What I don't have here are like my iron, my slippers, toiletries basket, sweater, my Japanese table n etc.
haha yes I DO LOVE PINK ;) 

I mentioned i loved to talk didn't I..?

im not so sure why I started to create this blog. Maybe xnk kne label as x up dated kot hahahah.! ye lah org ade blog i pun nk ade blog gak what..!! first of of I loveeeeeee to talk.! n yes I do talk like damn alot..! kalu x caye u can ask my ex-s haha..! no lah if u know me very well yes I do talk alot..! thats y my previous exs were the one that didn't talk much so I was doing all the talkings..!! n yes I like to share with other people.. share in the terms of ideas or any events but absolutely not BOYFRIEND ok..! haha take note of that..!
here ill write anything that comes to my mind. i repeat ANYTHING...!!! so if u get offended about what i write the im sorry u just have to deal with it :) suke bace xsuke xpyh bace senang je right :))))