
Saturday, January 22, 2011

she went away

Today was the last day Shitah, my room mate was staying with us in this room. Her application to transfer to Machang was accepted. She left around 1.++. God...! We are gonna miss that girl. Who else can I bully around in this room? I know we barely knew each other but we have been living in the same room for almost a month. But I know its for her own good. I know she will miss us too. Now its only Miza n I live in this room. We are thinking of getting new room mate soon. Okay, enough about little Shita. The more I talk about her, the more I miss her :'( You take care there okay my dear.

And also.., I attended my lecturer's brother's wedding. The whole class was invited to the wedding. But others cannot make it as they went home this weekend and also already had other plans. Madam Izatee is also a friend of Bennu's, so Emi n I made a plan to go along with him. The actual plan was to go with Dee, but something came up at a very last minute so she cant make it. It was only me, Emi and Bennu that went to the wedding. ( makan free bohh.!! had to go..! ) He picked us up here at Redang then after the wedding we brought him to Gadung to have some ABC there.

with Madam Izatee

Tonight, Liza, Tengku, Aimi and I went to DA to watch Gamelan Geliong that was presented by Kelab Kebudayaan. I was planning to go with Beego too but he also had to take care of the movie that was on aired at DKC. He is a real busy student. Sadly, I didn't make it to the end of the play because I had something to do. But I know it was really fun :)


sclusher said...


Anonymous said...

haha!!! ayat last terbaekkk

nabila riduan said...

bennu: bkpe plop sedey ngat tuh..?

jihan: tekanan tu.., sakit je hati mlm tdi..!!