
Sunday, January 16, 2011

let them dance

I am having my maggi goreng now as my supper since I didnt take dinner. I woke up at 12 noon because I had a long conversation with Shafirul last night. After lunch I took a nap until 4.30. When I woke up I received a text message from Alem saying he saw my boyfriend at TGV Seremban 2. Alem was watching movie there and dia cakap dia nampak Shafirul tengah kerja. He said ' tengok rambut pun dah tau ' haha! I never thought that Alem could recognize Shafirul since they have not met yet but maybe because he has seen Shafirul's picture on my facebook.

After asar I went to gadung to hang out with the boys. Since this new semester started we haven't found the right time to meet up. But not everybody was there. Only Teh, Beego , Faiz n me. When Beego and Teh were talking about their band, Faiz and I took a walk at the beach.
That really made me missing Shafirul more :(

At night I went out again but to go to AGM Kelab Kebudayaan at studio. I went there to see my friends danced and also for merit. I went with Beego but then I had to leave early to meet up a friend at the beach. And now I'm in the room eating my maggi and missing my prince :'(


Anonymous said...

awww!! rindu prince yeee?

nabila riduan said...

aah......, rindu sgt :'(