
Saturday, July 30, 2011

ohhh please lah !

bekas makanan tu the next day baru masuk tong sebab malamnya I dah tak larat nak keluar bilik pun!

All these studying things have taken its toll on me wah! ayat bajet nak mampus. I sekarang ni tgh bergelut dgn common tests. I have 3 papers to go. One is on tomorrow morning which is Acc Info System. The thing is esok also I ada modul part 5 on Finishing School. So the plan is I pergi modul until 9.++ then pergi jawab paper tu for 2 hours then tghari pergi sambung modul balik. Hopefully everything runs smoothly tomorrow!

mama see this :))

As for today, I bgn agak awal hari ni. Awal dari biasa lah kan. Pukul 8.30 I dah bgn. Jemur baju, and basuh more baju. Memang I rase macam Bree jugak lah kan. Then I pergi bekpes dgn Aimi kat luar campus. Then kami balik ke bilik I to study together. Sampai matahari atas kepala baru lah kami break ecewah :). Tapi siyes woo! Penat study je hari ni.Ye lah, I ade 3 subject nak kena cover. Aimi ada 2 paper. Tak ke tertonggeng kami study jadinya?

At night pulak we went out for dinner at laila. Tapi tonight Aimi tak study dgn I, malam ni we decided to study on our own. Esok maybe together2 balik teheee!!  So okay lah I pun nak sambung study ni adiosss and pleaseeeeeee wish me luck :))

overdose note AIS

p/s : I sedih nak balik sambut raya dgn mama :'(


WIND ♥ said...

oi pose pon belum. heboh nak raye lak ko en. HAHAHAHA.

nabila riduan said...

hahahaha damn you!