
Wednesday, June 8, 2011


title nak gempak je konon!
yessssssssssss! this sem break's vocation was to Turkey!
damn I never thought that I boleh jejak kaki kat bumi Turkey.
the trip to turkey was really fun lah of course sebab holiday kot takkan tak fun kot!
beriban2 duit I habis takkan tak best pulak kan mmg nak kena bakarrrr nih!
my flight to turkey was on 28th may, 0030. flight number tak ingat lah pulak and to KL-Istanbul.
biler sampai Istanbul it was 7am kot, local time.
I kena cerita pasal turkey ke? rasa macam malas lah boleh tak?
kalau cerita nnti you all pergi nnti dah tak best dah sebab tau dah turkey tu macam mane.
tapi mase I pergi tu, it was almost the end of spring. Tapi still spring lagi lah. Tepi2 jalan tu still ada banyakkkkkkkkkkkkk lagi bunga2 yang mekar cewaahhh! and cantik gilerrr!
the view was magnificent dude!
My flight back to Malaysia was on 4th June, 2pm local time. and I landed at KLIA on 5th at 5am local time.

tapi mase balik tu, mata I problem, i had this sore eye, which I until now dont have any idea how it can infect me. Cam bangang jek pakai sun glasses kat airport!
balik je Malaysia, mama terus bawak I pergi clinic and since it was sunday morning, macam sial je semua clinics were closed, sume tak operate cam *(&(^&$%&. Mata I dah la sakit !
then my dad drove us to this one clinic in Ampangan. Luckily clinic ni on if tak mama would be taking me to the hospital.
Sampai je rumah, I terus unpacked the bags from Turkey, and packed my belongings for Dungun. and also did all the laundry. Cam damn je kan? still jetleg dah nak kena balik Dungun pulak. Actually, my cclass had started a week before, masa I oergi turkey tu tapi takkan lah budak part5, takkan nak datang awal2 ape barangggg bai! bukan nya nak kena cop2 katil kat redang pun hahaha!

Then after dah settle sume kat rumah, I mandi, siap2, wangi2 sume terus cabut pergi Seremban. Nak celebrate birthday baby boy I la! he turned 20 on 5th June. too bad I wasnt the first to wish him a happy birthday on FB. nvm lah kan sayang!
ehem2., nnti I buat entry pasal birthday sayang I tu okay! haha takda lah gmpak mana pun sebab I taktau nak buat apa, but he certainly loveddddddddddddddd it! eh of course la, I girlfriend die kan <3

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