
Saturday, March 5, 2011

yes, that girl was me

Semalam was one of the great day for me. I had the chance to tag along with rugby team to the tournament in K.Tganu. Alah.., ala2 cheerleader la konon. Di samping mengisi masa lapang dan memenuhi cuti hujung minggu yang sememangnya membosankan kat Dungun ni, dapat jugak cuci2 mata ;)

here are the pictures that I sempat nak snap masa the boys main. Sorry, bad quality camera so the pics are not that sharp and macam tak seni sgt lah!

ni baru btl main rugby :)

at the other half of the padang, bola sepak team tgh training.
they said T-Team kot, ntah tatau

p/s : they said I was the good medic girl! ehem3 <3

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