
Thursday, September 16, 2010

should we call it reunion..?

on one of the day in last Ramadan, I went to bazar to get something for breaking the fast. biasalah tgal due org je dgn mama xkn nk msk buat penat je.., tapi hari ini prgi bazar lambar sikit which was around 6.30..
bazar mane..?? kat pilah perdana tu lah mano lak laie.., klu org pilah mmg x la kn nk prgi tmpat lain da itu yo yg ado dan yg bosa eh...
 to cut the story short, biaselah when raya is just around the corner, the people that live far far away from hometown or should we call them 'orang di perantauan' have come home for Raya.., time ni if prgi bazar mule la:

A: "ehh kau lame xjmpe biler balik? mane skg nih?"
B: 'wei lahai kau apo makin gomok den nengok ni???"
C: "wahh sojak2 duk kek kelumpo tu mmg payah bona nk nengok muko kao kn??"

n macam2 lagi..., nak xnk we have to accpet that yeah people change, physically or mentally hehehe..
macam tadi when I was at bazar, I bumped into some old friends n seniors too.. ok they have changed like really okkk..!!
some mase sek dulu ok teramat lah kurus macam cicak now sgt la sihat...,
klu dulu mse sek perhhh nerd tahap cipan zi seriously now like smokin' hot man..!!
and also if dulu mse sek asek kelahi jek..,
main name bapak la atuk la moyang la abis sume salah silah family dan2 tu je tau..,
xpun if u meet again with yr puppy love sgt lah kelakar ok..!! hahaha tbe2 tringat zaman sek padahal nk story psl kat bazar tadi jek..
if sek men plak ala biaselah.., menyampah kat minah poyo tu la.., xsuke kat mamat bajet macho tu la.., and
biler jmpe senior plak.., ek eleh dulu sek kerek nak mamposs dgn aku mentang2 la sek dulu aku xcntik, pakai tudung pakai baju kurung je xpun mse sukan pakai tshirt long sleeve with track bottom kawad tgh2 padang mmg senior xpndg la kan dorang pndang budak2 yg bajet cute2 jek..,
tapi skg apa crita bro..??? u think aku xnmpak after u passed me u look back at me right..? hahaha cmon la typical guys ;)
sgt2 poyoss ok but yeah I might have crush on u but it was when I was still wearing that blue prefect uniforms or taking commend in our marching band ok..!! now I am sooooooo not that anymore..

with Ramadan that left a few days more...,
that measn we will be waiting for next ramadan to see what happens..
will it be any old friends that will lose some weight or put on some weight or adding new members in the family..
we'll see :)

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